A 23-year-old man was on Tuesday morning granted bail in the sum of $200,000 when he appeared at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court to answer to a charge of causing death by dangerous driving.

Salliem Khan, the driver of motorcar PLL 3322, pleaded not guilty when Magistrate Dylon Bess read the charge to him.
The court heard that on December 27, 2018, at Fifth Street, Bartica, while driving his motorcar, allegedly at a fast rate, Khan struck down 65-year-old Mark Dutchin resulting in his subsequent death.
He was granted bail and the matter was transferred to Magistrate Lambert of the said Court.
Khan is expected to appear tomorrow (Wednesday) for a trial date to be given.
On the evening in question, motor car PLL 3322, was proceeding east along the northern side of the Bartica road, reportedly at a fast rate when it struck Dutchin, an overseer of the Works Department at the Regional Democratic Council (RDC).
Dutchin was reportedly thrown onto the front left side window of the vehicle and was further thrown some distance away on the northern side of the road.
He reportedly suffered broken arms, legs, ribs and head injuries, among others.
He was picked up, in an unconscious condition, by public spirited persons and taken to the Bartica Regional Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.