Letter: Raphael Trotman has finally come out of hibernation

Raphael Trotman

Dear Editor,

Raphael Trotman has come out of hibernation to write a book, in which he highlights, or should I say, to “lecture” the PPP/C on matters of oil and gas. This guy who was embroiled in a damning sex allegation some years ago, could now come out of the woodwork to give the PPP/C advice on a so-called safe way forward on matters of oil and gas, interesting!
The main thrust of his writing focuses on a renegotiation deal that he and the party mandate that the present Administration should pursue. Now this is a brazen “order” that Mister Trotman and his associates would like to see take place, in that he fails to realise that contracts are legally binding, especially in this case, a contract that was brokered between two legally established bodies, that is, Government and oil company. In the circumstances of the agreement being breached, there are serious implications, monetary and otherwise that have to be applied here.

What Trotman fails to tell us is that the deal he made with Exxon Mobil was legally binding between a legitimate Government and the oil giant. He was not incapacitated or in any way of an unsound mind when he brokered that deal on behalf of his Government and country, was he? Then, if there was anything lopsided or what we say “under the table” done in that negotiated deal, then, it is the bounding duty of Trotman to reveal this to us, we would like to know.

But, in that sanctimonious, holier-than-thou posture he has now taken, he has wiped his thoughts clean of this fact. In typical PNC style, he is saying we have given you that “good life” then, however now it is an awfully dirty deal so it is the PPP/C’s job to clean it up. This is the foolishness Trotman would like us to buy into.

The point is, the elected Government of the day, that is, the PPP/C would not be brow beaten by the PNC/AFC’s shenanigans. As an elected Government, the PPP/C would put all the necessary things in place to keep our country going. We do not need the advice of persons who have now got their brains on to tell us how to operate in the oil and gas industry – and this goes to the so-called experts too. If we need help, we will entertain those who know and have a proven record in the field of oil and gas. We will not be sidetracked by the misguided views of a few tainted individuals. I rest my case.

Neil Adams
