T&T man beats 19-year-old Venezuelan woman and videotapes her injuries

This is one of the images that appeared on social media from the video.
This is one of the images that appeared on social media from the video.

(Trinidad Guardian) Po­lice have ar­rest­ed a 31-year-old Diego Mar­tin man who al­leg­ed­ly beat a Venezue­lan woman with a wheel span­ner af­ter she threat­ened to end their re­la­tion­ship and then video­taped her in­juries on Tues­day.

A video show­ing the 19-year-old woman’s in­ju­ries and his abuse was shared on so­cial me­dia on Wednes­day, prompt­ing an al­most im­me­di­ate in­ves­ti­ga­tion and out­rage from mem­bers of the pub­lic.

Re­ports stat­ed that around 10 pm Tues­day, the woman was at her Ra­mai Trace, Debe home with her 31-year-old boyfriend.

It was al­leged that she at­tempt­ed to end her re­la­tion­ship with the sus­pect and he used the wheel span­ner to beat her.

He then record­ed a video of the woman with his cell phone. In the video, the man can be heard in­struct­ing the woman, who is wear­ing on­ly un­der­wear, to come clos­er to him.

“Aye! Girl, I not talk­ing too much right? Do what I tell yuh girl and doh tell meh (ex­ple­tive) noth­ing girl be­cause yuh like (ex­ple­tive) thing. Yuh un­der­stand? Ent you know I is ah (ex­ple­tive) mad­man. So whap­pen? Why you don’t re­spect me? Why? All I does ask for is you re­spect me.”
The woman could be heard in the back­ground faint­ly an­swer­ing. The sus­pect then zoomed in on the woman’s bat­tered face and said, “You see how nice you look­ing? Beau­ti­ful.”

He tells her, “Come let yuh fam­i­ly see how yuh look­ing.”

He then or­ders her to kneel on the floor and warns her against not lis­ten­ing to him. The woman walks across the room and he puts the cam­era close to her bruised face and tells her “You see how nice you look­ing?”

Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith con­firmed the sus­pect was ar­rest­ed at a house at Re­form Vil­lage, Gas­par­il­lo short­ly af­ter 2 pm.

Grif­fith said po­lice have al­so learnt there were sev­er­al oth­er women at the house where the woman was beat­en.

“When I saw the video I asked our in­tel­li­gence units to use their re­sources to pin­point ex­act­ly where this man was,” Grif­fith said.

He said the man has sev­er­al dif­fer­ent ad­dress­es, in Toma­to Trace, Diego Mar­tin and Ra­mai Trace, Debe, and the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team had been check­ing those ad­dress­es be­fore he was ar­rest­ed.

Guardian Me­dia has since learnt the woman was hos­pi­talised for se­vere trau­ma, cuts and bruis­es from the beat­ing.

Grif­fith said eight Venezue­lans, who are in the coun­try il­le­gal­ly, were found in the house at the time of the man’s ar­rest and al­so tak­en in­to cus­tody.

A state­ment from the Po­lice Ser­vice thanked the pub­lic for shar­ing the in­for­ma­tion on so­cial me­dia to bring at­ten­tion to the crim­i­nal ac­tiv­i­ty.

In an ex­er­cise co­or­di­nat­ed by Snr Supt Zamsheed Mo­hammed and In­sp Per­sad, San Fer­nan­do CID led by Cpl Pul­chan and the elite unit went to Re­form Vil­lage around 2.30 pm where the sus­pect had an­oth­er apart­ment.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said the woman has been in Trinidad for a year and the Im­mi­gra­tion Di­vi­sion will check to de­ter­mine if she is here legal­ly.



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