In an extensive search operation, members of the Joint Services are combing the Deep South Rupununi, in Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) focusing on...
A Brazilian fuel truck driver, identified as Weliton Venacio Lima, lost his life on Saturday, in a crash along the Kurupukari-Lethem Trail Region Nine...
Carlos Holmes, a mechanic residing at Lot 26, Third Street, Lilliendaal, East Coast Demerara, has been placed on $300,000 bail after being charged with...
See full statement from Guyana Police Force:
Police are investigating an alleged robbery under arms and abduction committed on four Guyanese and six Brazilians, allegedly...
See full statement from the Guyana Police Force:
Police are investigating a report of an alleged murder committed on Dowance Demonick, an 18-year-old from Lot...
A vessel transporting some 30 passengers, including Guyanese, as well as cargo last evening sank in the Corentyne River.
Waterkant.Net – a media house in...
See full statement from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) has grown increasingly concerned by the...
The Mahaicony Cottage Hospital recently achieved a significant milestone by adding thyroidectomy to its list of surgical services, successfully performing its first major thyroidectomy...