The sister of Maxton Orlando Lawrie who was stabbed to death on August 25, 2016, was on Tuesday charged with manslaughter.

Stephney Lawrie, known as Stacy, of Lot 2 Better Success, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), reportedly killed her brother during an argument. She made her first appearance before Magistrate Sunil Scarce on Tuesday, at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court.
During the bail application, her Attorney Latchmin Dindyal told the court that the accused is a single mother of a five-year-old and is not a flight risk.
He also informed the court that Stephney Lawrie was hospitalised for the injuries she received during the ordeal, and that she is presently receiving treatment at the Suddie Public Hospital.
There were visible black and blue marks on the accused right arm.
In responding, Magistrate Sunil Scarce reminded that the allegation against Lawrie was a serious one. He however granted bail in the sum of $400,000, taking into consideration the nature of the incident.

KILLED: Maxton Orlando Lawrie