By Jomo Paul
This comes after two separate recordings were released in the past week both of which featured the Health Minister in the most common of verbal attacks against women’s rights activist, Sherlina Nageer.
The first recording was outside the Whim Magistrate’s Court where Dr Ramsaran in an uncouth manner labelled Nageer as a “little piece of sh@t” during a heated argument.
He also told the activist that he would slap her just for the fun of it and then have some women strip her naked. While Dr Ramsaran issued an apology for his remarks, a next recording surfaced, this time the Minister was saying that Nageer is a “miscreant” in need of “psychiatric” care.

Both of the recordings have sparked public outrage and protest with the US and UK envoys stating that had such happened in their respective countries, the Minister would have been expected to resign post haste.
“We believe that his behaviour warrants the sanction of the President and we are looking for the President to take the right actions necessary,” Private Sector Chairman Ramesh Persaud said when questioned about the incident on Friday, April 24.
Meanwhile, popular Businessman and Public Relations Consultant, Kit Nascimento explained that the PSC is cognizant that the choice of a resignation either wilful for forceful is within the realm of the President but is hoped that a resignation is forthcoming pending the discussions with the President.
President Ramotar in a statement on Friday noted that “the statements and behaviour of the Minister do not reflect the high-standards I have set for Ministerial conduct nor the public’s expectations of an office holder. It is outright disrespectful and improper. I intend to have further discussions with the Minister on this matter.”
mother silly! first off all , this mental deranged oman is NOT a peaceful human. I was there the morning with an additional 200 persons , peacefully representing the Champion, our hero! Dr. B.J…..this evil oman aggravated this hard working minister, she was and is very evil, so, mother silly get the facts straight .
Mother sally, How dare you referred to God’s creation as “pigs” can I ask you mother a question? Are you a sow? Meaning a mama Pig? I personally think you’re a PNC BAMSY Woman. You need to apologize!
The respective envoys of the US, Canada and Great Britain must be soundly applauded for taking a principled stand against the the threat of violence and gross disrespect shown by the demented, so called Minister of Health – one Dr. Bheri Ramsaran towards the innocent and peaceful human rights activist – Sherlina Nageer.
The mere fact that Bheri-Bheri Ramsaran continues to occupy his ministerial post and is a candidate for the despotic PPP in next month’s general elections despite his recent disgusting conduct – further illustrates the banality and out of touch mindset of not only the buffoon of a president – Donald Ramotar but also the wider PPP leadership.
There are now growing calls for the immediate sacking or removal of Bheri-Bheri Ramsaran from any official positions he continues to occupy. However, neither Ramotar or his boss Bharat Jagdeo are courageous or decent enough to recognise wrongdoings or injustices so this latest brazen act of indecency will more than likely go unpunished because this is what has been the order of the day since 1992 when the Stalinist pigs at ‘Freedom House’ came to power.
If Ramotar really wants to improve his putrid image then he must do the right thing in letting Bheri-Bheri go because anything less will be totally unacceptable to the long suffering and disenfranchised electorate at large.
I can care less about the further talk the president has to have with him. Bottom line is this man is disrespectful and his actions distasteful. He has to resign. No exceptions.
YES! YES! YES! and if he doesn’t, and they don’t fire him, it’s proof that he’s knows secrets the PPP would rather keep.
Just like nothing was done when the attorney General was heard planning to kill the people from the news paper. It’s the same PPP government and nothing will be done. It clearly shows how wicked this PPP government is.
if he has any decency he must do whats right and resign effective immediately.
this is exactly what opposition sent her out to do and he fell for it.
in the end..she will come to grips that she is being used when there would be no place for her in opposition..its her 15 minutes of fame so let her enjoy it..she will soon find out how the opposition people are nice..this must be a lesson for all politician..
He has to go! There is no room in this country for people of his character! Mr. President please act accordingly and let this imbecile know by way of dismissal that this kind of behavior is unacceptable! He must be fired immediately!!!