Over $80M approved to advance revision of Amerindian Act

Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai

Over $80 million has been allocated in this year’s budget for the revision of the Amerindian Act 2006.

Coming out of its manifesto in the 2020 General and Regional Elections, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) had promised a review of the Amerindian Act.

During the consideration of the budget estimates on Monday, Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai was pressed by several Opposition Members to provide updates on the status of the revision of the Act.

“The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs is currently addressing the issue of the revision of the Amerindian Act. We are not yet completed…It’s a work in progress. We are still addressing the education and awareness component of the activity. As soon as we start the consultation and the full length of the consultation is over, I am pretty sure that those responsible will be provided with a draft,” she noted.

When pressed for a completion date, the minister explained that she would not be able to provide one, since the process will take some time.

“That’s a very good but tough question,” Sukhai remarked, noting that indigenous folks reside in remote areas across the country.

“Logistically, we would love to have it finished tomorrow but we have to ensure that we stand to the commitment this government made, the People’s Progressive Party Civic Government, to consult in every Amerindian village. So that will take us a pretty long time but we have efficient facilitators,” the Minister explained.

Nevertheless, she noted that full-fledged consultations on the revision of the Act will begin in the second half of the year.

The Amerindian Act of 2006 is the primary legislation that governs the affairs of the Amerindian people of Guyana. It provides for the recognition, and protection of collective rights of Amerindian villages and communities in Guyana and the promotion of good governance.
