Moore was suspended by the very JSC last year, after he was accused by 47 – year – old Businesswoman, Seerojanie Singh of improper conduct during a hearing at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court on November 12, 2014.
According to a release from the JSC, Magistrate Moore was afforded a full hearing before the Commission.
“One of the issues investigated by the Commission involved a complaint by a Ms. Seerojine Singh whose complaint was widely reported in the print media. Ms. Seerojine Singh had audience before the Commission and was also fully heard. Given the representations made to it by Ms. Singh, the Commission is of the considered view that in relation to Ms. Singh’s complaint no further action or intervention against or with Magistrate Moore is warranted,” the statement noted.
The JSC also pointed out that the account provided by Singh of her experience at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court differed in material from the report carried in certain sections of the print media.
“The Commission was generally satisfied with the responses provided by Magistrate Moore thereto. As a consequence, Magistrate Moore has been reinstated to the Magisterial Bench,” the statement noted.