[www.inewsguyana.com] – The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) says it has been receiving reports of threats and verbal abuse meted out to some members of the Indo-Guyanese community by overly-jubilant APNU+AFC supporters.
A press release from the IAC noted that the illegal grabbing of land and property can potentially inflame and incense the social environment.
“There are also reports of gun shots being fired during these celebrations causing much tensions and even trauma for families especially children. These reports are most distressing and can affect social peace and harmony at the community and national levels,” the IAC noted.
The organization says it is demanding that APNU+AFC leaders restrain their supporters and ensure proper conduct.
“We demand that law enforcement agencies redouble their efforts to ensure social peace, tolerance and respect. We demand that civil society and the international community make their voices known and insist on respect and lawful conduct.”
The IAC says it intends to represent those felt aggrieved and affected by these acts and has established a hotline number: 223-5161. Persons can also email: [email protected] or indianarrivalcommittee Facebook.
I’m Indian and have lots of negro frens and on Saturday afternoon I was passing on ave of the republic where lots of people were celebrating making the road one lane so traffic was moving slow and as I approached the corner of ave of rep and coral st one woman recognising I’m Indian pushed her head close up to my window and utter some racial remarks I jus give her the thumbs up and continue on ,while they citizens celebrating genuinely they are some jus bent on causing problems.MY SUGGESTION is if u r in a crowd and anyone should. Utter any form of racial remarks ask them to desist or leave becas it will reflect bad on everyone.
Unnecessary delay in getting results out warrants gun shots in the air? I am not sure I follow you – I think the gunshots spoken of in the article relate to celebrations. As to where the guns came from …that’s another story I imagine? You are right also – hotlines should be for all concerned citizens not just Indo-Guyanese.
I think Guyana had a bit more Unity When LFSB was a PPP had it not been the PNC
Guyanese would be United . don’t forget my people is the First Nation People
If Guyana is for Guyanese , is Africa for African’s only. we need people from Guyana
to help the Minority in Africa the Mother land
The iac is a racial set of people , so the APNU-AFC supporters celebrate and u and the people like u feel hurt who’s problem is that , and when I say people like you I don’t mean indo Guyanese, I mean low life thinkers like u
It seem to me that this committee is causing more harm than good.
Wow the last poster just confirmed it all – the ignorance – before you open your mouth go back and check all the crimes commited and how many by Indo-Guyanese? I have over a dozen images of FB racist comments against “coolie” since the new party won.
This is the kind of ignorance Guyana does not need. These fools should take a page out of the coalition’s book. Its all about unity,the time for this foolishness is long past. I pray that the law will deal with them to the fullest extent. They are making jagdeo look like a sage. Had it not been for the AFC it would have been more of the PPP. Think people as hard as it maybe for some of you.
Guyana is for guyanese, STOP this bull shit and live as one people one nation and work together. It will take a little love and respect for each other, this group needs to be banned, we did not have a afro or AAC when the indo Ppl were in power, Guyana is not a RACE place its for us ALL Thank you
HE David Granger will take care of social troublemakers. The situation was created because of the unnecessary delay in getting results out. If any hotlines are set up they should be for all aggrieved citizens, not race based. Hotlines imply something that may not exist.
What a racist committee!!…and the people who are calling in are the same as the committee itself. They traumatized by gunshot???….with all the gunshots associated with murder, robberies and even simply threats that have been existing for the party 23 years, which were carried out by alot of the same coolie people, some of whom have fire arms and are so addicted to Rum(their sickness), that the instance they drink..they fire shots in the air for no equitable reason!! PLEASE IAC…these people want you to invite down to IAC in Bel Air and administer some “DECENT WAKE UP SLAP(three (3) per person,can’t get greedy);)