Foulis couple dies days apart after gas explosion

Manu Sukhu and Basmattie Ganpat in happier times

A family at Foulis, East Coast Demerara, has been struck twice with loss in just three days, as 58-year-old Manu Sukhu succumbed to the injuries he sustained in a gas cylinder explosion that also claimed the life of his common-law partner Basmattie Ganpat.

Sukhu passed away at approximately 17:45h on Wednesday, after his condition deteriorated dramatically following his partner’s death just days earlier. His passing marks a second loss for the family, as his partner died on Sunday, after battling severe burns for two weeks.

The explosion, which occurred at the couple’s home at Lot 194, Fifth Street, Foulis, on January 4, left both victims with catastrophic injuries. Ganpat, who suffered burns to 80% of her body, was immediately rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), where she fought for her life for the next two weeks. Despite the doctors’ best efforts, 55-year-old Ganpat passed away on Sunday morning.

Her partner Sukhu also sustained life-threatening burns, with 68% of his body having been affected by the explosion. Initially, it seemed as though he was recovering, but after hearing the news of his partner’s death on Tuesday, his condition worsened rapidly.

According to reports from the couple’s family, the doctors had delayed informing Sukhu of Ganpat’s passing, hoping that the news would not worsen his condition, but by Monday, his health had deteriorated to the point that it was deemed necessary to tell him.

Sandyha Goolram, the daughter of Ganpat, spoke to reporters on Wednesday as she offered insight into the heartbreaking ordeal. “It’s like we’ve been living in a nightmare for two weeks now,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “On Sunday, we lost my mom, and we were barely processing that when he passed away. It is hard.”

Goolram recounted how her mother’s condition had taken a drastic turn on Friday when her body had begun shutting down, and had become unresponsive by Saturday. “They told him on Tuesday that she died, and as soon as he found out, his condition took a turn for the worse. They had to plug him up to oxygen and machines, but it didn’t help. He didn’t recover. He died today [Wednesday],” Goolram said.

“After they saw he was getting down, they said they needed to tell him she died, so that he would know just in case he passed away too,” Goolram disclosed.

The explosion, which completely destroyed the couple’s home, allegedly involved a Massy Ltd. gas cylinder. Initial reports suggest that a stove knob may have been left on, allowing gas to leak and ignite. Massy Gas Products has insisted that their cylinders undergo thorough testing, and that the explosion was not due to a defect in the cylinder, and the company has pointed to potential issues with fittings or regulators.

Sukhu and Ganpat had only recently completed renovations on their home, and their family had hoped to start a new chapter. The explosion, which destroyed the house, left the couple severely injured, and now their family is left to pick up the pieces.

The post-mortem results on Ganpat have revealed that she died as a result of burn-related wounds.

Investigators have not yet confirmed the exact cause of the explosion, though experts believe a fault in the gas fittings or regulators could be to blame. Massy Gas Products has expressed condolences for the family’s loss but maintains that their products meet stringent safety standards.

The public’s concern over gas safety has grown since this tragic incident, adding fuel to the ongoing debates surrounding the safety of gas cylinders. The incident is now one of several similar explosions reported in recent months, raising concerns about whether enough is being done to prevent such disasters.

“I don’t know what to do. It’s like I want to jump, scream, bawl and cry all at once, because this is hard. We have so much to do, and it is like I don’t know where to start from. This shocked me, and it is hard because it is not just one, it’s two,” Goolram has said.
