Eyewitness: Growth…vs development?


We’ve been hearing a great deal about how our economy’s grown, is growing – and will be growing. But, as usual, the ultimate question on your (pragmatic) Eyewitness’s mind is: “What’s in it for me, budday?” And in this, he doesn’t buy the argument that he might be selfish. No siree Bob!! He was weaned on the insight that the wealth of nations is based on the individual looking out for his own interest, and – if everybody follows suit – an “invisible hand” would ensure everything’s gonna be alright!!

But why’s everyone in the world not at the same level of prosperity? How come there’s that fella from Tesla worth trillions and, at the same time, there are vagrants even in the great US of A?? Not to mention lining the streets of Georgetown at night! Well, the man who extolled self-interest did say there’d be an INVISIBLE HAND; he did not say there would be “NO Hand”!! And the biggest hand of all is YOUR hand – since you’ve got skin in the game to move up the ladder! The other big hand is the Government’s – since we put them there to look at the big picture and institute policies that facilitate our efforts to move up!

And that’s the lesson a whole lotta folks forget. No matter what the Government does – or (like the PNC) doesn’t do – it boils down to us. We’ve gotta “try and try again, boy, till we succeed at last!” And mostly we’ll do this in obscurity, but to do otherwise is to GUARANTEE you won’t get a piece of the pie.

Your Eyewitness was inspired by all the anecdotes about Yesu Persaud, that’s coming out of the woodwork since his passing. And what’s clear is that he never gave up trying. You can’t start lower on the ladder of the economy than catching rats on a sugar plantation!!
Then, of course, there’s the Government’s hand. A very big hand, if you will!! Using Burnham’s failures as an object lesson, your Eyewitness doesn’t believe Governments should actually be in business. Some may say, “Look how well the Chinese have done, and THEIR Government owns a helluva lot of businesses!!” Well, let’s not go down that rabbit hole! Save to say that much of their success has to do with the individual hands of their people; their willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed!! Our Govt’s focusing on infrastructure, and making some great strategic decisions on diversification with the oil money. So, there will be a whole lotta opportunities for us to take advantage of. Are we getting prepared with those free 20,000 scholarships?

So, for sure, the economy’s gonna grow. But are we all gonna develop? That’s left to each of us!!

…via rum

Your Eyewitness has heard about the ability of these internet companies to tap into your conversations and send you ads about words mentioned. But imagine his surprise when, after Yesu’s passing, he received this ad on a vintage rum that the magnate had the foresight to produce from GDL’s stills which DDL took over!! “Uitvlugt 26-year-old 1991, Berry Bross and Ruff Exclusive Cask #38, 55.3%.”

“This barrel was filled in December 1991, and bottled in 2018, yielding 227 bottles at 55.3%. And it is a classy affair. The nose is tremendously balanced with notes of sandalwood and a touch of tobacco. Beeswax and, just as you want and expect, lovely overripe tropical fruits bringing the sweetness in. The palate continues the depth and complexity. blood oranges are notable with herbs, cocoa and walnut, but it is the coastal notes that bring a surprise. Etc, etc…”
Only trouble is they’re going for at least $150,000 a bottle!! Your Eyewitness will stick to his Topco juice!!

…and tough love

Well, eight of the PNC MPs who staged that obscene scene in Parliament – especially stealing and abusing the Mace – have been sent to the Privileges Committee.
To use their Founder-Leader’s pet phrase, we hope they’ll be “dealt with condignly”.
