Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill this afternoon conducted a site inspection of the ongoing works on the $1.8 billion project to widen the corridors from Conversation Tree to Dennis Street in Georgetown.
Guyanese company S. Jagmohan Construction and Trinidadian-owned Kalco Guyana Limited were awarded the contract.
But Edghill says Kalco is significantly behind schedule.
“Both contractors need to up their game. This project needs to be finished in the contractual obligated time, November 5. Jagmohan seems to be making progress, Kalco is practically making no progress. From the engineers’ advice, 65% of the contract time has elapsed and only 25% of the work has been completed,” the Public Works Minister related.
As such, he has ordered that representatives of Kalco Guyana Limited meet with him on Monday, July 31.

“…for us to be able to determine if this project continuing with them or we terminating. The project engineer will serve immediately letters of poor performance and nonperformance.”
Minister Edghill has also requested a meeting with the community liaison officer attached to the project, indicating that these duties are also not being fulfilled. He explained that this officer is supposed to be engaging with the community to address their concerns regarding the project.
Works on the project entails the construction of a four-lane carriageway from the East Coast Highway to Delhi Street.
It also includes a double-lane carriageway on the reserve west of Delhi Street for northbound traffic and will also see the implementation of concrete revetments between the East Coast Demerara Highway and Railway Embankment, and concrete drains on both sides of the proposed roadway between the railway embankment and Delhi Street.
The construction of two large concrete bridges to establish a connection to Dennis Street is also part of the project.

During the project launch last year, Minister Edghill had emphasised that this project forms part of government’s plan to provide alternative routes to persons entering and leaving Georgetown.
The project was split into two lots: Lot 8 A of the project is being executed by S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc., to the tune of $$1,066, 358,738, while Lot 8 B was awarded to Trinidad company, Kalco Guyana Inc., to the tune of $830,293,458.