A pedal cyclist, 30-year-old Marlon Fraser, was killed late Friday night after he was struck by a motorcar while crossing the road.
The accident occurred at about 23:20h at Delhi Street, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown.
Based on police reports, motorcar PAC 1898 was proceeding south along the eastern drive lane of Delhi Street while the pedal cyclist was proceeding in the said direction on the eastern edge of the road. It is alleged that the pedal cyclist made an attempt to cross Delhi Street from east to west and ended up in the path of the motor car.
Police say the driver, a 27-year-old resident of Enterprise, East Coast Demerara, claims he took evasion action, but the front left portion of the motor car collided with the pedal cyclist. As a result, the cyclist fell onto the road surface and received injuries.
The police and emergency medical services were summoned to the scene, and the pedal cyclist was pronounced dead by a doctor from Georgetown Public Hospital.
His body was escorted to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home awaiting post-mortem examination.
The investigation is ongoing.