By Jomo Paul
Government recently announced that it will be moving to implement a river taxi system with subsidized costs for the elderly and students. The move received generally mixed reviews from the general public.
Patterson at a press conference on Monday, September 07, explained that a meeting is planned with the Berbice Private Sector for this week to see how soon the plan can be implemented and what role the private sector is willing to play, if any.
“We can do it immediately,” said Patterson as he explained that there is nothing stopping the government from moving ahead with the proposed alternative.
When asked why the government had not chosen other routes to resolve the Berbice Bridge issue, Patterson stated that providing a subsidy was the easiest way to get reduced tolls for the general public.
He also noted that the government has not made any considerations of nationalizing the company in its efforts to effect cheaper tolls for residents.
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan had told the National Assembly that the toll for passenger cars and buses will be reduced from $2,200 to $1,900, a 13.6 percent decline.
At the same time, the toll for all other types of vehicles will be reduced by 10 percent. The Finance Minister revealed that over 150,000 Guyanese live within Regions 5 and 6 and traverse the Berbice Bridge to access education and health services, conduct business and travel on a daily basis and that thousands more traverse the bridge annually.
But the Bridge Company on August 29 had stated that it runs the risk of going bankrupt if the reduction takes effect, pointing out that no consultation was held with the Company officials prior to the reduction being announced.
Who in their righted mind wants to wait 4HRS for a river taxi! Is this guy a cartoon comedian! Welcome to the 70s…this is the only ideas Granger and his un-educated ministers have for the people of Guyana!
The Guyanese masses still asleep with all the lies being peddled before during after election. This installed PNC knows they have to thread very lightly since the private business people knows PNC past track record on Private business and press freedom. PNC told the people they will reduce the Berbice bridge tool to $1200 not to $1900. The Guyanese masses did not catch the lie then. It means the installed PNC is against the poor and are for the rich. If they dropped the toll to 1200 then the rich with cars and other fancy vehicles would benefit big time while the installed PNC cut the $1000 per poor school child program. The People ent figure this out as yet? And to boot Nagamoottoo want a $200000 wage increase for being in office as media watch DOG SINCE NAGA WAS STRIPPED NAKED OF ALL THAT POWER HE WAS PROMISED REDUCING HIM TO “SOMETIMES WEAK END PRESIDENT”
Patterson at a press conference on Monday, September 07, explained that a meeting is planned with the Berbice Private Sector for this week to see how soon the plan can be implemented and what role the private sector is willing to play, if any.
Why private sector again?
PNC cannot be trusted!
Can the PNC initiate a business?
Another false promise or a waste of tax payers money