Berbice resident stage one man protest against ‘unethical lawyers’



By Tracey Khan – Drakes

protest 2[] – A Berbice man has staged a protest in front of the Magistrate’s Court in Vryheid, New Amsterdam, over claims that some lawyers in the East Berbice area are robbing the poor by tricking them to pay twice for representation of one matter.

Dion Thomas started his one man protest action last week and said he will continue until his problem is solved and until those culpable are held accountable for their unethical practice.

The man erected a number of signs in front of the Court and has dug all into the ground. His protests are on Mondays and Fridays.Protest 1

He explained that some lawyers are taking matters that ought to be dealt with in the High Court to the Magistrates’ Court and unsuspecting persons are spending their hard earn dollars to pay them for proper representation.

Thomas said his passion for this matter sparked after his son was taken to the court and sued $100,000 by his landlord and had to pay his Attorney huge sums of money and kept running to the Court on numerous occasions only to be told that the matter has to be dealt with at the High Court.




  1. The courageous one-man protest against the unethical practices of lawyers is very encouraging. People have to demand protection from all such behavior. I applaud you sir.


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