Armed bandits open fire, attack & rob sisters at WBD home



Two sisters were last evening attacked and robbed by two armed bandits who invaded their Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara (WBD) home.

The incident occurred at around 21:00h while the two sisters, aged 29 and 20, were at home.

The 29-year-old, who works as a waitress, was on the veranda when she noticed the suspects approaching.

The woman started to scream, causing one of the bandits to discharge a round in her direction, after which, he pulled her into the house and demanded money.

The bandits then lashed the woman to her head with the gun, causing her to receive injuries.

The 20-year-old, who works as a cashier, was then confronted by the bandits who also forced her to hand over valuables.

The suspects then escaped with an electronic tablet, an iPad, and an iPhone as well as cash and important documents.
