AFC calls on Gov’t to release names of all contracts beyond G$1B

Nigel Hughes

In light of the allegations by Former Speaker of the House and one time PPP Executive Member, Ralph Ramkarran, the Alliance for Change [AFC] is calling on the government to immediately release of the names of all contractors and businessmen who have been the beneficiaries of government contracts for sums in excess of G$1B and the publication of the circumstances in which they were awarded these contracts.

At a press conference earlier today, Chairman of the AFC, Mr. Nigel Hughes stated, “The time has now come for Guyanese society to stand up and increase their agitation for the immediate establishment of the Public Procurement Commission as a matter of national urgency.”

According to Hughes, “Guyana can no longer tolerate or withstand a government which is bent on perpetuating the corrupt and biased distribution of the country’s wealth and opportunities for benefit of a politically connected few.”

In his weekly column in the Stabroek News, Ramkarran stated that the PPP government is reluctant to do anything about corruption due to its link with three discrete groups who finance the party’s leadership and fuel graft including a group of wealthy and influential businessmen with high political connections who profit from insider information.

Mr. Ramkarran also disclosed that at the apex of corruption in Guyana is, “a group of wealthy and influential businessmen who have high political connections.”
