$66M to expand market for coconut water and coconut-based products

Farmer Haresh Tewari tells the Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha, and his team about farming coconut at Laluni. [File Photo]

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh has announced the allocation of $66M in 2022 to support the expansion of the markets for coconut water and coconut-based products.

“This allocation will support the expansion of coconut cultivation and production, with decentralised and strengthened services to farmers; the establishment of three additional nurseries at Hosororo, Fort Wellington and Lethem, bringing a total of decentralised nurseries to nine across Guyana,” he explained.

Dr Singh noted too that it will support the expansion of seedling production to 36,000 in 2022.

“The production of value-added products, such as coconut fibre from coconut waste, will also commence in the Pomeroon, and will be used for soil enhancement.”
