$36.2B for works on schools & dormitories in 2025

Construction ongoing at the Monkey Mountain Secondary School in Region 8 (Photo: MoE/December 2024)

From its $175 billion allocation in the 2025 Budget, the Ministry of Education will be spending over $36 billion on advancing works at several primary and secondary schools across Guyana.

During his budget presentation on Friday in the National Assembly, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh since 2020, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government has completed over 30 new nursery schools, reconstructed seven, and extended four. He added that construction is currently ongoing for over 25 more new nursery schools.

Additionally, over 15 new primary schools have been completed, nine reconstructed, 17 extended and construction is ongoing for 11 more new primary schools across Guyana.

Construction has also been completed at the Good Hope, Westminster and Yarrowkabra secondary schools, while reconstruction of five is ongoing. Works are also ongoing on the construction of over 20 secondary schools.

“We have already created another 8,000 additional spaces for our children… In 2025, a sum of $36.2 billion is allocated to continue works on school buildings. These schools, when completed, will constitute a major addition to the capacity of our school system by adding 20,000 additional spaces countrywid,” the minister declared.

Among the schools being worked on this year are Baitoon, Kako, La Bagatelle, Mibicuri and Rockstone nursery, Augsbury, Charity, Redcreek and 58 Miles primary, Jawalla, Kopinang, Monkey Mountain, Nismes, Phillipai, Prospect, Tabatinga and Waramuri secondary schools.

Meanwhile, works are also being undertaken on dormitories in areas including Aurora, Kwakwani, Matthew’s Ridge, Monkey Mountain, St. Ignatius, and Waramadong, most of which are slated for completion by the end of 2025.

Already, the Education Ministry has completed and commissioned schools including St. Gabriel’s, Moco Moco and Monkey Mountain nursery; New Campbelltown, Quiko, Western Hogg Island and Zeelugt primary; and St. George’s, Northwest and Yarrowkabra secondary schools in 2024.
