34 police ranks in Region 2 undergo ‘Body Camera’ training

A demonstration during the recent Body Camera training session held for police ranks in Regional Division #2 (GPF Photo)

Ranks in Regional Police Division #2 (Pomeroon-Supenaam) recently benefitted from a training session that focused on the use of ‘Body Cameras’.

The training was conducted on Friday in the Divisional Headquarters by ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Information Technology Department, spearheaded by Inspector Rameshwar and his team.

A total of 34 ranks benefited from the training, which will allow them to use the body cameras in the execution of their duties and for the purpose of evidence in court.

34 ranks from Regional Division #2 trained on the use of Body Cameras (GPF Photo)

Ranks who participated in the training were drawn from the Traffic, CID, and general duties sections in the division.

During the training session, a demonstration was done on the use of retrieving footage and recordings from the body camera.

Only earlier this month, the Ministry of Home Affairs procured and handed over an additional 500 body cameras to the Police Force (GPF) to improve interactions between the police and the public. This added to the 200 body cameras bought last year.

The goal of the body cameras is to capture digital audio-video evidence for criminal, civil, and traffic-related court cases.

In fact, Police Commissioner, Clifton Hicken has already sent a stern warning to traffic ranks to desist from stopping motorists without being equipped with their body cameras.
