$15.8B Govt Office Complex 10% completed, to house 6000 employees

An artist's impression of the government office complex

See full statement from the Ministry of Public Works:

  1. Project Overview and Objectives

The Government Office Complex (GOC) involves the construction of four twelve-storey office towers, each designed to accommodate approximately 1,500 government employees, totalling 6,000 people. Other major components of the project include:

  • A helipad meeting international standards, planned at ground level.
  • A Central Utilities Building for essential backup power generation, water treatment, and ICT systems.

Project Goals:

  • Consolidate various governmental offices into a single hub, promoting better inter-agency collaboration.
  • Enhance operational efficiency with a secure, modern facility that streamlines services.
  • Showcase Guyana’s commitment to sustainability with energy-efficient designs, flood resilience, and an EDGE-certified project.

Overall Contract Value:

  • The design-build contract is valued at GYD 15.87 billion, awarded in December 2022.
  • Construction commenced on February 23, 2024, after relocating the site to Haag Booch, Eccles to accommodate the project’s scope.
  • Completion date is August 24, 2026.

Project Progress:

  • The project is currently 10% physically complete.
  • 34% of the project timeline has elapsed.
  1. Key Achievements

Completed Milestones:

  • Legal and preliminary activities are fully completed and on schedule.
  • Master Plan and Concept Designs are finalized.
  • Foundations Design Set and Structural Design Set have been completed.
  • Geotechnical Investigations for Towers 1-3 have been completed, and Tower 4 is ongoing.
  • Land Grubbing & Sand Filling are also completed.

Ongoing Tasks:

  • Piles and Structural Steel Procurement are ongoing.


  • Some design packages, including Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing (MEP), Fire Life Safety, and External Works, are lagging.
  • Procurement delays are also affecting certain project components.

Physical Works Progress:

  • Helipad:
    • 50 piles (14” x 14” x 120’) are on-site for the helipad.
  • Utilities Complex:
    • All piles have been installed, and civil works for the foundation have started.
  • Towers 1 and 2:
    • 58 piles (18” x 18” x 105’) are on-site for Towers 1 and 2.
    • 63 piles (16” x 16” x 105’) are also on-site for Towers 1 and 2.
    • Pile installation for Tower 2 has commenced.

Despite some delays in design and procurement, the project is progressing in the foundational stages.


